The Thing

Cruz was a Soldier assigned to the Arctic Marines' Alpha Team and tasked with investigating the Thule Station. The character appears in the 2002 video-game The Thing.


Attempting to discern what happened to Alpha Team, Blake is dropped into the Norwegian Outpost alone. After stumbling across Carter, the pair discover Cruz locked in the ice-block room. Cruz states that he was separated from his squad, and hadn't heard from anybody for quite sometime. Finding only static on their radios, the men leave the main building and locate a paranoid Pierce in a supply hut. Recovering several blood test hypos from a nearby kennel outbuilding, Blake performs blood tests on the squad to calm the agitated man. However, Cruz is quickly revealed to be an imposter along with Carter and they both bloodily transform and attack before being incinerated and destroyed by Blake and Pierce.



  • At least in the Xbox version, it's possible to bring up the item menu immediately after the second cutscene with Pierce ends (before the screen even fades in from black) and drop all the hypos before any are used. This allows you to avoid using any hypos here - either on yourself or on Cruz. This will prevent Cruz from revealing himself as a Thing, and he will even help kill the Carter-Thing, though he will still be assimilated at that point and must be killed before being able to leave the Supply Hut and progress through the game. Carter will still reveal himself as a Thing after the same, set amount of time as if Blake had used one hypo on himself and one on Cruz as normal. Pierce's trust will also spontaneously go up to 100% when/just before Carter transforms this way, despite Blake not having used any hypos on himself (See Gallery).